What’s Your Middle of the Night Business Question?
NOTE: This originally went out as my May 2022 newsletter. If you’re not yet signed up, you can do so on my homepage.
In recent chats with several prospective clients, I’ve asked one question that’s changed the clarity and flavor of our conversations. Good but not extraordinary dialogues suddenly became compelling ones. 🔥🔥🔥
With one question.
The Power of Inquiry + The Power of the Night
A while back, I started feeling less engaged in my work with clients. It’s not that I didn’t like the folks I was working with - I very much did.
But in the face of the growing issues that our human family is up against, there was a disconnect between what my clients were bringing to their sessions and the questions that were most alive in my heart of hearts.
This contributed to me bringing a less than fully engaged Paul to my work.
I started to pay attention to what was bubbling around in the deep layers of my being. The things that weren’t getting attention when I was rushing around or distracted by social medial.
I began to call it My Middle of the Night Business Question.
The question that emerged me for was: WHO are the right (for me) people to be working with now?
As I worked with that question, it led to a fairly significant pivot in my business and a new website launched last fall. My work now feels more aligned and alive than it has in quite a few years.
That question changed the trajectory of my business and my life.
Finding Your Middle of the Night Business Question
A question that’s spot on for where you are right now is a very transformative practice. So here’s a few tips about how you can find one for your situation:
What do you find yourself thinking of as you get ready for bed or when you wake up in the middle of the night?
If you went to the woods for a week - with no internet connection, movies, etc. - what topic would occupy a lot of mental space?
What do you find yourself reading about, listening to podcasts on, etc.?
What’s something that both scares and excites you to think about?
Leaning Into the Wisdom of the Night
Modern culture is obsessed with things we can see and measure. And there’s a lot to be learned from paying attention to things like metrics, data and strategies.
At the same time, we are in a very complex and, in many ways, unprecedented moment in our journey as a human family.
If you’re finding yourself showing up to your business activities with less than a fully engaged heart, that makes sense to me.
And, working in a half hearted way is a good way to get mediocre results and burnout. If this is the situation you find yourself in, I encourage you to learn from our more earth connected ancestors. Every indigenous culture I’ve ever heard about has practices that encourages it’s members in poignant moments to reduce distractions, connect with nature, and lean into the wisdom of the night.
What’s Your Experience?
Have you ever had a question that’s led to a big transformation? Are you struggling with feeling somewhat disengaged in your business? Is there a change wanting to happen in the way you work?
I’d love to hear your experience! Feel free to go to my contact page and share.