Social Entrepreneur Services
Social Entrepreneur Strategy Sessions
Who this works for
You have a business or lead an organization that is focused on making a change in the world. And you’re excited about it! When it’s fully optimized, the impact you can have is extraordinary.
At this point, you know the general direction you want to go. And, there are important details you need to work out. And you’re feeling stuck about how to proceed. You would love to have someone who understands this type of business and knows the space to bounce ideas off of and get feedback from.
But you don’t feel the need for an extended coaching contract that will cost you many $1000s. You’re looking for an affordable, targeted and time efficient type of support.
My Strategy Session Packages are ideal for people who are facing 1-3 immediate decisions. Like how to define and articulate your value proposition, fine-tune your marketing strategies to get more results for less effort, successfully launch a new product or service or refine your pricing structure so it’s both inclusive and provides you with a great quality of life.
The Strategy Session Package includes:
An information gathering process via email before we meet
90-minute results-oriented session
Recording of the session
3-7 recommended action steps
Email support for 2 weeks after the session to help you customize the action steps to your situation

Social Entrepreneur Individual Coaching
You are ready for the next iteration of your impact-focused business. And while the details aren’t 100% clear, you know it includes helping more people as well as more income and less stress in your life.
You've put a lot of heart and soul into getting things to this point. There have been many hours of dreaming and working out things like who you are aligned with serving and how your business makes the world a better place.
Honestly, some of what you are doing is working. You’re getting paying clients/customers. You have built a certain degree of momentum. But you’re not quite helping as many people as you want to be.
And, you’re working too hard. The to-do lists feel like they are endless and there are important things that you just never seem able to get to. Your self-care … well, you’re currently at OK but not great levels. And want that to change.
You want a more efficient, more impactful, and more easeful version of your business and your life.
In the past, you just hung in there - telling yourself that in another year or two, things will work themselves out. Your marketing will get more traction, sales will go up, you’ll be able to hire more help, and things will get easier.
But time has passed, and that shift you were hoping for hasn’t materialized. You’re still working too hard for the results you’re seeing.
You’re ready for a change.
For over 16 years, I’ve specialized in working with big-hearted social entrepreneurs like you. Through my individual work, running a social entrepreneur community with hundreds of members and via interviewing hundreds of some of the most skilled social entrepreneurs on the planet, I’ve seen many, many examples of what works (and what doesn’t) in this space.
The Individual Coaching Agreement includes:
Two 75 minute one-on-one sessions per month
Recording of the session
3-7 recommended action steps for each session
Email support between sessions
Laser calls (15-20 minutes) between regular sessions as needed
Special in-depth resources on topics that social entrepreneurs often face
What You Get
In my individual coaching work with social entrepreneur founders and leaders, we dive deep into things like how to:
Develop and articulate your value proposition.
Create a business model and pricing that supports your impact and quality of life goals.
Implement marketing strategies that are a good fit for your goals and allow you to get the most returns.
Increase the time you have for self-care so you can sustain your impact work.
Scale your business so you can help more people and have more impact - without overworking.
Grow your confidence as a thought leader so you can attract new opportunities.

Social Entrepreneur Coaching Retreat
There are crux moments in an impact business journey where you are facing game-changing decisions. Decisions that will affect both your life and the people you serve for many years to come.
You are at one of these moments.
The thing is, it’s not as simple as just picking option a or option b. There are a lot of factors and nuances to consider. As well as a certain degree of uncertainty with each of them.
You feel pregnant with something big. Something that will touch more lives than you have in the past. But you're not sure of how to give birth to something of this scale.
When you're giving birth to a child - an event that changes your life forever - you don't make an hour-long appointment. You need more space to bring something that sacred into the world.
I created the Social Entrepreneur Coaching Retreat for committed impact leaders who want to grow into the next iteration of their business and don't want it to take a year or two.
It's wanting to come now - but you would feel much more comfortable birthing it with an experienced guide.
For over 14 years, I’ve sat with dedicated and caring social entrepreneurs like yourself as they’ve made their way through some of the biggest decisions of their lives. Two of my superpowers are a) deep listening and b) a knack for bringing market-tested options to the conversation without losing sight of the nuances of your values and desired outcomes.
How It Works
We'll work together to customize a one to three-day entrepreneur coaching retreat that is both very energizing for you and very granular about how you can do things like:
Step into a business model that supports more impact and a higher quality of life.
Increase the leverage in your marketing so you get more return from the time and money you invest.
Step into a thought leader role where your time and knowledge is much more respected and you get much better paid.
Build robust systems that allow more effectiveness and efficiency in your business.
Move the needle towards your impact and income goals much more quickly.
Let’s talk about setting up a Social Entrepreneur Coaching Retreat to develop a plan that will help you gain much more momentum!